Just Bee True 2 You

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Helen Vonderheide is a community educator whose teachings invite the expression and embodiment of interconnectedness, relationality, and reciprocity through the lens of the Akashic Records, Decoloniality, and Empirical Evidence.
After many years of studying and teaching the Akashic Records to countless students, Helen has developed an innovative and inclusive approach to accessing this spiritual resource of infinite wisdom.
Through her new curriculum, Personal Pathways, students and practitioners are supported in their ability to create a personal pathway to the Akashic Records and the Source of Your Consciousness. Each person has a unique relationship to the energy of Akasha, their guiding forces, and how they use their innate gifts to receive the information, so there isn’t one prescriptive method. Everyone is entitled to the opportunity to discover how to access expansive consciousness through their own pathway.
A Personal Pathway is a conscious, vibrational channel carved out, connecting the source of a human being to the energy of the Akashic Records and Source Consciousness. This Pathway will bring you to everything you desire to know and experience in this lifetime and beyond.
To learn a little bit more about who Helen is, what the Akashic Records are, why Helen became an Akashic Records Practitioner, how to prepare for a reading, and what to expect, please read the article and watch the short video below: